Got Drugs?

Today I went to the clinic for another ultrasound....beginning to feel like a broken record .   I walked into the clinic, signed my name, sat on the chair, and the nurse immediately called me back. It was extremely fast this time. I met with Dr Johnstone, the lady-doctor of the group. Again she counted the follicles and measured everything to be sure the meds are working the right way. It was fast and easy. I then met with one of the nurses who went over my current meds. She called Dr Hammoud, who will be doing the actual egg retrieval next week, to see if he wanted to change any of my doses in relation to the findings on the ultrasound. He said 'not for now' and that on Monday I'll come back for another exam. I asked if on Monday he will decide which day to do the retrieval, and she said, "It's now a day by day process." She explained that on Monday Dr Hammoud will see what progress has been made, will adjust meds if needed, and schedule another ultrasound for the next day. We will do that over and over for a few days until he's happy with the progress and feels ready to retrieve those 'expensive' eggs. When he feels like things are ready, then he'll tell me when to take my HCG/Pregnyl shot, and exactly 36 hours later he'll put me to sleep and retrieve the eggs. It's going to be an interesting week, I think.  I'm not sure I want to make the trip to Salt Lake on a daily basis, but we'll do what needs to be done. With first time patients, they have no idea how patients will respond, so I'm sure they play things safe. Monday morning I'll find out the next step.
The meds have become more interesting.  After the FedEx truck dropped off a big box from the pharmacy last week, I've had to create a little medication basket and evening routine for all this stuff. I feel like a druggie. Plus, Jerry has started taking his pill twice a day, so I have to make sure that gets done. His medication is a two week round of antibiotics. It's simply to ensure that the 'little soldiers' are all nice and pure with no possible infection or funny business. He got the easy track on the medication side of things, I think.  He's been taking his pills like a good boy, though. This week I started taking the follicle stimulating hormones (FSH). For three days there's a combination of two drugs. The one FSH that I really didn't like was the Repronex. It felt like a giant bruise under your skin for 2-3 days after you take it. Thank goodness this was the one that only lasted three days. The other FSH is Gonal-F. This one comes in the prefilled pen that you dial in your dose each time. It's not too bad. I'm also still taking the Lupron. I'm now used to this one, but I changed the brand of needles, and I swear these new ones are bigger. Two shots a day is tolerable. Three was a little much. And, I can't decide of I'm just becoming a wimp, or if they really do hurt. My poor tummy is feeling a little battered and bruised lately. Can't complain, though. People keep asking me if I've had any side effects from the meds yet, and I really can't say that I have. I think I've been a little more tired and gained a pound or two, but I haven't been moody or grouchy...I don't think. Maybe Jerry is the one to ask on that subject.   I've actually felt pretty good and haven't noticed a big difference.  That's been a blessing!
Brooklyn is becoming more and more comfortable with this adventure each day. She likes to watch me do the shots and even helps clean the med vials or load the syringe. Maybe she's a nurse in training! The other night she was sitting on the counter watching and I said something about it hurting. She leaned over and gave me a big hug. I can only imagine what's going through her little head. We talk about things, though. I think she's learning that this is a lot of effort, therefore something improtant to us. Today she did a little relay race at her Grandma Hartmann's house that included giving a doll a bath, drying it, putting on a diaper, and then wrapping it in a blanket. She actually did a great job! I didn't know she could put a diaper on a baby...She will be a great big sister, someday. She's also talking more about having a brother or sister. She likes to talk about what she'd name her brother or sister and actually admitted the other day that she wants to have one of each. She's funny. She's slowly growing into the idea. She's like her mom...has to think about things and get used to them before 'owning' the thought and really feeling comfortable with it.
The next two weeks are the ones I've been anticipating for a while. They will include the actual egg retrieval, growing of little embryos, and then the transfer back of those embryos. I'm excited, of course, but also nervous. It's a little weird to plan and anticipate an event like this. It's not really that normal or natural, it's very scientific, yet spiritual, and could possibly be a life changing event.  It's difficult to describe. Yet, we wonder... Will this work, will it not work? Only time will tell, of course. Either way, we will have a new perspective on life and the future of our little family.


  1. modern medicine is such a miracle. we are praying for you and are so excited for this next step in the process. you're not a wimp, shots hurt. when they gave me the steroid shots for the little peanuts, i wanted to cry. i can't imagine doing it twice a day. you're amazing. tell brooklyn we love her and we know she's going to be a great big sister. she's a great cousin. sydney keeps praying that you will have a boy and girl. hopefully from the mouths of babes right? we love you and appreciate you including us in this wonderful, yet nerve racking (i'm sure) experience. good luck this week.

  2. WOW!!! It has been fun to read your blog and learn so much about the IVF process. It is a modern day miracle and a blessing that this actually works. I don't think your a wimp either. I would break into tears at the thought of a shot. I am so excited for you and your cute family. Good luck with the next couple of weeks, they sound intense. We are praying for you and hope that all goes as planned. Thanks for being so open and sharing your story with all of us.
