And So It Begins!

Well, we are ‘officially’ part of the InVitro process now, because….we’ve paid the money!  No backing out now! I guess that’s how the world turns—things become serious when the money’s in the bank, right!?  Last week Jerry and I went to the clinic to sign the financial papers and enroll in the shared risk program. We met with the program director and he again explained the details and process.  We asked how many couples decide to be part of the program and he said not many can afford it. They get the one time shot and hope it works. Although this is going to be a few more dollars than we originally planned, the chances of success seem to be increased. He also said that although the protocols and actual processes don’t change, the doctors and nurses are all very aware of who is participating in the program.  He said they are more specific about the way they handle these cases since there is a lot of money, and some degree of guarantee, involved. They have a greater responsibility to give us success, essentially. The physicians will be more likely to cancel the IVF cycle if things aren’t going well so that a better and fresh attempt can be made.  So, although we aren’t ‘supposed’ to get special treatment, it’s hopefully in our favor to be part of this program. We left the office feeling like this is again the best choice for us. The clinical director is very young and when we walked out Jerry said, “I just paid thousands of dollars for a 12-year old to make us a baby!”  It was a little crazy, but trust Jerry to throw some humor into the situation. Again, we were reminded of the many people who have made this possible for us. To have the financing taken care of through the assistance and generosity of so many is a sure answer to prayers and a miracle in the making. It’s been wonderful to not worry about this aspect of the process. We can look forward to the experience without that stress looming over us. Again, being able to hand over that check was a humbling moment.
Along with paying the money, we’ve done what the clinic calls the “Lupron Start.”  Lupron is the first injection medication and the way they “start” the official calendar of meds, lab draws, ultrasounds, etc.  I started these injections on Sunday the 25th and will do them for about four weeks. During the first week of Lupron, I took that and the birth control pills. Then this week I don’t take the pills, just the shots.  Next week they add two other injections. This is the easy week, I guess. Lupron isn’t too bad, though. It’s given into the fat, just under the skin, with a little insulin syringe/needle. It burns a little bit after, but no big deal. The last time I gave myself a shot was in nursing school more than 10 years ago…forgot how weird it is to poke yourself! I think they start with this easy one and build you up for the nasty ones that come later.  Jerry’s thinking he gets to do those ones…I’m thinking I need to think about that! I haven’t really had any side effects from the meds yet. I hope I don’t.  I’m kind of nervous about the bigger hormone stimulation meds that start next week. Some women get something called Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome.  It’s basically an over-response to the meds and the ovaries go crazy. It doesn’t sound pretty. But, we’ll worry about that then, and I’m hoping to just respond normally to all the drugs. My next ultrasound is tomorrow morning. Again the doctor will count follicles and eggs and make sure things are looking the way they want them to before starting those FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) injections.
Brooklyn is still getting used to the idea that we might be having an addition to our family. Her Aunt Laurel and Aunt Jodie are expecting babies. We talk a lot about new cousins coming and how much fun it is to play with little babies and be a big sister. She loves her little cousins, so why not love being a sister?  She’s not crazy about the idea of her world changing, I guess, but is opening up to that possibility. When I think about the possibilities, I get a little nervous too! I get nervous about the logistics like where would a baby sleep in our little house, and how will I work at night, and how will I get anything done?  But, little thoughts and moments…like talks in General Conference about growing our families and having children…remind me that this is a good path.  Whatever the outcome, things will all work out and we will be better because of it.  

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