Week by Week...by Week.

Monday, April 16—27 weeks
         Today was the first of my now weekly visits with the doc. I have a feeling it might get a little repetitive, but who doesn’t like the reassurance of an ultrasound each week to check on things?  I’m thinking I’ll really like that part of it. Jerry had some previously scheduled work meetings today so he was unable to go with me. I waited quite a while today in the room waiting for Dr Hartman, and when he did come in he was in a hurry to get to a c-section delivery.  He did ultrasounds and everything looked great. The babies are getting bigger, they are sharing the fluid nicely, and the heartbeats are healthy. He seemed pleased. He took some standard cultures then had the nurse draw some blood. Pretty much a routine check…just grateful things are stable and happy!

Monday, April 23—28 weeks
         I think I have a standing appointment on Mondays at 11:00 now. J  Mondays roll around pretty fast.  During the past week I spent several hours on the phone with the insurance company, hospital billing department, and the doctor’s office trying to sort out bills from the two visits we made to the hospital. I’m grateful to have insurance, but sometimes I get frustrated with the whole process. It’s kind of like paying taxes to the government, in my mind…I’m happy to pay what I need to, but don’t want to do anyone else any favors. J  After paying so much cash to the University of Utah, I’m anxious to let the insurance coverage take over! I also got a call from the office to start on amoxicillin for a positive culture from the previous Monday. There’s always a little surprise it seems.  I had a day of skills lab at work and we also had our ward youth conference this weekend. Jerry and Brooklyn helped me a ton! It’s been a busy week! Lets just say it was a little difficult to get all six hours of bed rest in each day…I may have cheated a little. But today was another good visit. Jerry came with me, obviously needing a break from work (he even left his phone in the truck!), and we enjoyed being together.  Dr Hartman was in a particularly jovial mood. Sometimes I’m shocked at the stuff he says! The ultrasounds were good. The babies are in a little bit different position than I thought. Baby boy is still head down with feet up on the right, and baby girl is now making a triangle. Her head is by his feet with her back and bum going sideways and down the left side. They aren’t quite the “t” they originally were positioned in, nor are they parallel up and down to each other. They just look and feel squished to me! The heartbeats each looked healthy and I was kind of surprised at how big these kids looked on the screen. Hopefully that explains my almost 30lb weight gain! Don’t want to talk about that though! My blood count was a little low, so in two weeks he’ll re-culture things to see how the antibiotic worked and redraw my blood. Good thing I’m going every week…seems like there’s plenty to do. But, babies are happy, my body is cooperating for now, and I’m now officially the size of a beach ball…what more could we ask for!?    

Monday, April 30—29 weeks
         Once again we found ourselves at the doctor’s office this morning. I wonder if Dr Hartman is getting sick of seeing us every Monday J  Monday at 11:00 is our moment. Jerry’s been so great to take time from his busy work days to be with me at the appointments. Lately he’s been making more and more comments about how ‘real’ this is getting and the reality check that’s coming! I love having him with me.   
         Today was a pretty routine appointment. I officially passed the 30lb mark today. It was a proud moment, let me tell ya. My goal is to not pass up Jerry’s weight. J Dr Hartman again had on his bright red tennis shoes. I think he owns nothing but red shoes. He plays tennis 6 days a week and he says his red shoes make him fast. He’s quite a guy. Once again things were looking good. My cervix is shrinking a little bit each time, but that is expected now. Most importantly, the babies are looking healthy and are growing. He did growth measurements again today and the babies are right on schedule.  Baby boy measured 2lb13oz and baby girl measured 3lbs 1oz. That is a switch from the past where usually the boy is bigger than the girl. Measurements are usually a little off, so we estimate they are both somewhere between 2 ½ and 3lbs. That may explain why I feel so squished inside. Brooklyn was born at 6lb1oz at just 10 days early. I’m feeling about the size I was when she was born.  But, these babies have a little more cooking time.
         We discussed the delivery timing and options today. That made it a little more real. We still have a little ways to go, but the doc wanted to get us thinking. If both babies were head down, he would most likely attempt a regular delivery. There would be a small risk of delivering the first baby head first and then the second ‘falling’ sideways and having to be delivered breech. As long as there is not a significant size difference, he feels confident in doing this. If both babies were head up, there would be no option and a c-section would be necessary. Well, of course, we have one in each position. That puts us in the middle.  We could try a regular delivery for the first and then see if the second will come breech or need a c-section in the end. Or, we could just plan on a c-section. Neither option sounds fun to me. But, I also don’t want to do half and half! Of course it’s a little early to make a decision now because they may change positions still. So, we’ll see what happens in the meantime. He did give us some estimated dates of delivery also. If I can go to ‘full term’ time, he said he would start me no later than two weeks ahead of the due date (July 14) for a regular delivery, and would deliver three weeks ahead for a c-section. That would put their birthday in mid-late June. Sometimes that sounds far away, and sometimes that sounds way too close! It’s getting exciting to think how soon they’ll be here. We want a few more weeks until they are ready, but after that…let the games begin!

Monday, May 7—30 weeks
         It must be a Monday. Today is one of those occasional days when I feel tired, emotional, and frustrated.  I think it stems from the bed rest that I am truly getting sick of. I’ll admit, there are some days when I have to stretch to get those six hours, but some days I just don’t want to do it—or feel I don’t have time to do it. I know that’s the wrong attitude, and it’s a minimal obligation for such a reward, but still, I’m pretty much done with it. I like being useful and doing the things that I am ‘supposed’ to do, even if it is those mundane tasks of laundry, cooking, or cleaning. That’s what a mom does, and that’s what I want to do. (Of course, you don’t hear me saying that about going to work, but you get the point).   For instance, today I got up and got Brooklyn ready for school, cleaned up breakfast, got myself ready for the day, and then headed to the doctor…again. On a good day, getting to and from the doctor is no less than a two hour event, so by the time I got home it was 12:30.  I eat lunch, straighten a few things, change one load of laundry (didn’t even fold anything) and made the bed…basic items of life.  There’s at least a minimum standard of living that’s necessary for my conscience. By the time I start to lay down it’s 45 min later and the countdown begins.  But six hours from then is clear to almost bed time. 2 ½ hrs after my down time begins, Brooklyn is home from school. I feel so sorry for the girl. Every day she comes home from school and her mom is laying on the couch. How fun is that for her? We can do some homework and a few things while I am down, but I feel like such a loaf sometimes and think she must be tired of it too. I can’t go out and play, watch her ride her bike, or help her spray paint her ‘limousine’ for the drive in movie at school. Nope, her mom is laying on the couch. Of course I know it’s necessary and, again, such a small moment in time for the health of these babies, but I feel torn inside. I want to take the best care of these babies that I can, but I also want to care for the ones I love who are here.  And, of course, when Jerry walks in from work, I’m on the couch. It’s a nice welcome home moment. They both understand the purpose and know it’s not just because I’m trying to be lazy, but I feel like I’ve lost the wife/mom side of me and am now just a couch sitter. I think I get a little cabin fever, too. Staring at the same walls, doing the same stuff, making the same lists of things I want to do—or need to have someone else do—all gets to my head a little bit.  Another thing I wish I could do more of is take care of those ‘nesting’ instincts mothers have before their babies are born. I’d love to feel like the baby room is totally and completely ready for them to come home to. Little by little it’s coming along, but I’m missing the days of dedicated baby organizing and decorating.  Of course, I’m not sleeping very well at night now and am starting to get somewhat uncomfortable, so I think sometimes all these feelings are exaggerated by fatigue. Plus, I hear pregnant women are hormonal and emotional anyway J  Am I complaining…probably…ok, yes.  Do I just feel like I need to vent…for sure. I know this is really a very small second in time and there is such a great reward to come. I have to realign my focus and priorities every once in a while, and I guess today is one of those days to do so. And, Jerry and Brooklyn are so good to help. They are patient when we have leftovers for the third day in a row or when I give them a list of things I think they should do. They deserve a lot more thanks and praise than what I give them. This is really testing all of us and helping us to appreciate, learn, serve, cooperate, and love more. I try to think of those who have an illness or disease, who are hoping to get better just so they can live and be with their family, or who face an unknown future of health. I feel guilty for being so selfish in my thoughts. How blessed I am to say that my complaints are such minimal inconveniences.  My future holds two sweet, little babies to love who will fill our lives with so much joy.  I guess this is one of those unforeseen lessons I need to learn in this process. I need to remember my blessings, forget my complaints, and focus on all the great opportunities and people that allow me such a privileged and wonderful life.  I truly am blessed.
         As a matter of business, things at the doctor went well today. Babies still look good and healthy. He did not measure them for growth this time. He redid some of the cultures from a few weeks ago and drew another blood count.  He said, “Next week you get to have a 31 week party.”  I asked what that meant. His philosophy is that after 31 weeks the chances of problems before and at delivery are the same as at full term. So, I think that’s a good thing. Of course the best thing is to let them grow as long as possible, but it’s a good milestone. I think after 32 weeks I’ll feel even better about their outcome. Every week counts. Guess that means I should stick to my bed rest and stop complaining J

Monday, May 14—31 weeks
         Once again, a Monday morning visit with Dr Hartman. We had a good visit and things are progressing well. We cheered for reaching the 31 week mark. He feels that after 31 weeks, the survival and successful birth outcomes are equal to those of a full term baby. So, I think that’s good news, and I feel a little less worried about delivering early. Hartman also seemed happy with the progression and health of the babies. Jerry asked his estimation of how long until delivery and Hartman says he’d expect I could go as far as 37 weeks. That’s 6 more weeks! Not ready for babies yet, but getting ready to not be pregnant J  Anyway, he seemed very happy with the ways things are going. Again the ultrasounds were reassuring and babies looked good. Next week he is planning to do measurements again and do a non-stress test (NST) in the office. The NST is simple and includes putting both babies on the monitor to watch for heart rates and their reactivity. That will be a fun part of the day next week. He continues to want the bed rest, but there is now a different goal in mind. He says now the goal is to create fatter babies. Although we still want to postpone delivery as long as possible, bigger babies usually do better. So, I’m now an incubator trying to fatten them up into healthy babies for when they are born.  I’m hoping that by next week they’ll be around 4lbs each. They are still in the same position as before—one with his head way low, and the other with her head high and to the right. Needless to say, the upper right corner of my belly is being punished on a daily basis with all the feet and head activity in one spot. I still love to feel them move. There are a few more odds and ends to purchase before they come, but I think we are almost ready for them. Well, at least we’re almost ready with the ‘stuff’…not sure if we’ll ever be ready mentally! We’ve had several people give us gifts to help us get prepared— so many generous friends and family.  After getting rid of literally everything baby we ever owned, its been quite eye-opening to remember all the things babies need…wow!  What’s cuter than baby stuff, though? A few more weeks of cooking time and I think we’ll all be ready!

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