Baby(ies) Bump Begins!

Editor's Note: Should have been posted January 20th. Info was misplaced and not posted. Ooops.

I thought a quick update after seeing the doctor last week would be appropriate…

 I am currently 16, going on 17 weeks along.  There is now an obvious little ‘baby bump’ going on, and I’ve given in to those comfy maternity pants. Yep…the ones with the big, wide elastic band than fits over the tummy…the ones Jerry loves! I decided I’m definitely old enough to opt for comfort rather than style. Getting used to the change in belly size is still a little unusual for me. I’ve been able to at least ‘suck it in’ for the past long while, and now I can’t! I’m kind of enjoying the excuse that I don’t have to, though J  Trying to find something to wear to church is a little distressing, I’ve found. But, all the clothes drama is a problem I can’t complain about too much with such a great reward to look forward to.

A little over a week ago we saw Dr Hartman again. Jerry and my mom were able to be there. That was fun to have them both with me. It was pretty much just a regular check up. We were hoping that he’d be able to tell the gender of the babies, but I wasn’t holding my breath for anything. I mostly get anxious just to see the heartbeats and know that all is well. As far as the doctor was concerned, all was well that day. He’s never been too particular about how big they are or which is which yet. He looks mostly at their movement and responses as he moves the ultrasound around. He tried really hard to see if he could determine what combination of boys/girls we had, but wasn’t exactly sure. He thought he had a good look at the one and was pretty positive, but wouldn’t say either way about the other. So, I’m not saying a thing until we know both for sure! We aren’t hoping for a specific one or the other, just two healthy babies.

Dr Hartman did want me to schedule an appointment with the ultrasound tech in the next three weeks, and then go back to see him three weeks after that. I see the tech the 8th of February. That will be the big ultrasound to check the development of the babies, the health of the pregnancy, and of course the genders. After I see Dr Hartman later, then I will be seeing him about every two weeks. He seems to be very cautious and concerned about preventing preterm labor. He plans that I won’t go to my official due date in July, but does want to take every precaution to keep them from coming too soon. Of course this is good and I want to do anything to ensure healthy babies, too. His statements revolved around March-May being the most critical time to have preterm labor or delivery because the babies are unable to survive or will most likely have a poor outcome. Naturally, we all think that the end of the pregnancy is the most critical, and there are definitely reasons to go as long as possible. But, his main focus is reaching a point where the babies would have the ability to survive and have the greatest outcome, He is still pretty adamant about being down six hours during the day starting in March and not working too much. That will all be interesting. But, his philosophy makes sense, and I trust that he has enough experience to know.

For now, I’m trying to not think about how that will all work out. Things are going well and for that I am grateful. We were able to visit my brother Nick and his family in Texas last week. They have twin baby girls, and wow, were my eyes opened to the lifestyle change we will have! I was in shock and amazement at how much happens in their life each day with twins and two other young ones. I’m now mentally preparing for that J  I also realized that I will be so grateful to have Brooklyn at her age who will be such a great helper.  Their twins were so precious and sweet, though, and I am now even more excited to hold and love my own little ones.  I still can’t believe the crazy truth that this is happening. Each day gets more exciting. 

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