Miracle Donations

The Widow's Mite

I picked up an anonymous donation today at the post office. No name, return address, or even hand-written words were included, but such a sweet note and generous donation to our cause. I assume it’s from family or friends. I’m wishing I could personally thank this person(s), but know that was not the purpose of such a gift. I’m learning more and more how symbolic these gestures are and that love is a powerful motivator. So frequently I am amazed by the generosity and love people have in their hearts. The story of the Widow’s Mite carries a new and personal meaning now. From sweet missionary cousins offering to give money from their bank accounts or selling items in their room, to family members who are currently experiencing many health/medical issues of their own…I can’t begin to describe the amazing gestures we’ve seen.  I knew we had a lot of love surrounding us, but our ‘cup runneth over.’  
Brooklyn and I went to see the movie “17 Miracles” today. While I will never put myself in the same category as those faithful pioneers, I related to their vision and yearning for something more. They knew they had righteous desires and that the Lord would bless them. Some paid the ultimate price and never saw their dreams fulfilled. Others suffered much sorrow and loss. Others made it to Zion and lived long, happy lives. They really didn’t know what was ahead of them when they started out, but they trusted that there was a purpose and plan for them…and miracles came. I kind of feel like we don’t really know what’s ahead for us. We know what we want and are willing to do what’s needed, but we don’t know what will happen. However, we have already experienced miracles and have seen the tender mercies of the Lord evident in our lives in many ways. Each day I’m grateful for those who have sacrificed on our behalf and are joining this journey with us; not knowing what the outcome will be, but trusting that there is a purpose, a plan and much to learn. 

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